Friday, 11 March 2011


PH: 0484-3937555 FAX: 0484-2310332
Email –
Website –
The UTI Technology Services Ltd. (UTITSL) has awarded the contract to Muthoot Securities Ltd.
(MSTL) for the collection of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Application forms. MSTL will
collect the PAN applications (Form 49A) from their branches at various locations all over India. It
will arrange to accept applications for PAN at its corporate office at Alpha Plaza, K.P Vallon Road,
Kadavanthara, Kochi.
MSTL will act as PAN Service Centres (PSCs) which are primarily meant for distribution &
Collection of PAN Form 49A to / from the applicants. The applicants fill up the form as per the
guidelines available on the application and submit the same at the centre.
The Service Centre will be open from Monday to Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 2 p.m
The PAN Service Agent shall collects the PAN forms along with required proofs at a processing fee
of Rs.94 /- + Service charge Rs.26/- (Inclusive of Postal Charges)and an acknowledgement will be
issued for having received the application, which also contains the coupon no. etc.
All Applications to be forwarded to:
KOCHI, KERALA – 682020.
PH: 0484-3937555 FAX: 0484-2310332
Email – Website –
1. Duly filled PAN Application Form 49 A along with Address proof and Identity Proof to be
collected and send to Corporate Office.
2. Collect Processing Fee and Service Charges of Rs.120/-( Rupees One Hundred And Twenty
Only) in cash and deposit in Muthoot Finance branch towards Muthoot Securities Ltd. A/c
No. – 7016.
3. While depositing the cash in Muthoot Finance Branch, ensure to provide the Name of the
Applicant as in the PAN form and narration should be as ‘Towards PAN Processing Fee”
4. Attach the Voucher of deposit along with the FORM 49A.
5. Maintain a MIS report at the Branch as below;
6. Filling up of PAN Application form – refer page no. 4 of the Procedure Manual.
7. Incomplete / improper applications will be rejected/returned.
8. Acknowledgement will be issued after realization of the processing fee.
1. FORM 49 A can be downloaded from our
2. Documents to be accepted as ID proof and Address Proof – refer point No.-2.18 and 2.19.
3. Enclose PAN Application in a separate cover superscripting as “FORM 49A”
Name of the Applicant Amount Voucher No. Date of deposit
Form 49-A has been designed to apply for a new PAN. Following are the mandatory fields to be
checked before acceptance / submission of the form at collection centre-.
1. The Form 49A used by applicant should be either issued by UTITSL or if it is photocopy/market
printed/downloaded, the format should be similar as defined by IT Department.
2. The applicant has to fill up the form using Black ink pen and provide all the mandatory
information (given below):
2.1 Colour Photo : The applicant has to affix (i.e. pasted & NOT stappled) recent coloured
photograph of Stamp size (3.5 cms X 2.5 cms ) on the space provided on the form. In case the
applicant is HUF / Non-Individual Applicant, photograph is not required to be affixed.
2.2 Signature: The signature of the applicant is mandatory. Forms having no signature will be
summarily rejected. Applicant is required to sign in Black colour ink in space specifically meant for
signature on the front side of application and also on the reverse of the application. In case of thumb
impression, it is always Left Thumb Impression (LTI) irrespective of sex of the applicant. However,
the Thumb Impression should be attested either by any Gazetted Officer, a Magistrate or a Notary
Public under official seal on page 2 of the Form.
2.3 A.O Code: This should be filled up by the applicant and should not be left blank. The Service
Agent will have a list of A O code etc pertaining to his District / State. If the AO Code is not written
by the applicant, the PSA should assist the applicant to identify the AO Code & fill up the same or
advise applicant to seek the assistance of local Income Tax Office.
2.4 Name of Assessee / Company Name: In case of individual applicant, the name has to be written
in full/expanded form in the order of Last, First and Middle Name. Short form of the name or initials
are not allowed in the name field. Name should not be prefixed with titles such as Shri, Smt, Kumari,
Late, Major, Dr., M/s etc. and a blank box should be left between any parts of the name. For Non-
Individual case, exact name should be written as it is in the record.
2.5 Style of Name to be printed on the Card: Applicants with longer names (exceeding 25
character) should suitably abbreviate the name but without using any nick name or aliases.
Otherwise name will be truncated and by default name will be printed as first character of First
Name and first character of Middle Name and full Surname.
2.6 Father’s Name: For Individual applicant, the father’s name is mandatory. Irrespective of the sex
and marital status the applicant has to mention his / her Father’s name on the application form.
Father’s Full name has to be written and initial or short form of the name are not allowed. If the
Father’s name is exceeding 25 Characters, the first characters of First name and Middle name and
Last Name in full will be printed on the PAN Card. If it is less than 25 Characters, the name will be
printed in the order of First Name, Middle name and Last Name.
2.7 Address for communication: Address for communication should be properly ticked i.e. “R” -
for Residential Address and “O” - for Official Address. Address for communication should also be
supported by document. In case of Individuals, the proof of address of Residence is provided and
opted the office address for PAN Card dispatch; the proof of address of Office also is required to be
2.8 Residential / Office address: The residential / office address alongwith State & Pincode no.
should be mentioned by the applicant. Applications received without PINCODE will be rejected.
2.9 Telephone No: Telephone no. with the STD code has to be filled up for faster communication
and convenience in dispatch of PAN Card.
2.10 Email id: The applicant may provide the e-mail address for faster communication if any.
However, either of the Phone no or Email ID should be provided by the applicant for
2.11 Sex: This is applicable for the Individual Applicants only. The relevant column should be
ticked accordingly.
2.12 Status of the Applicant: There are 9 different categories of the Applicants. The status of
applicant has to be indicated in the appropriate column.
2.13 Date of birth / date of incorporation of Non Individual: The date of birth / Date of
Incorporation (for Non-Individual) is one of the core fields which will be printed on the PAN Card.
Care must be taken to ensure that the DOB column is filled properly by the Applicant. The relevant
Date for the different category of PAN applicant is:
2.14 Registration Number: This is not applicable for Individual and HUF applicants. “Company
“applicant should mention the registration number issued by the Registrar of Companies. Other
Applicants may mention the registration number issued by any State or Central Govt authority or
respective authority.
Status of the Applicant
Date which is required to be mentioned in the Form
Actual Date of Birth
Date of Incorporation
Association of Persons
Date of Formation / creation
Association of Persons (Trust )
Date of creation or Trust Deed
Partnership Firms Date of Partnership Deed
HUFs Date of creation of HUF
2.15 Name of the Organization: In case of salaried Individuals applying for PAN, the name of the
Organization, has to be written on the Form.
2.16 Name of the Business / Profession: If the applicant is not employed, but in a profession /
business, the name of the profession / business and its relevant code number have to be mentioned.
Following code numbers have been allotted by Income Tax Department for various Profession and
Business The applicants who are not Salaried and not falling under any of the above categories must
mention their source of Income as 20 i.e., others.
Nature of Profession / Business
01 Medical Profession and Business
02 Engineering
03 Architecture
04 Chartered Accountant / Accountancy
05 Interior Decoration
06 Technical Consultancy
07 Company Secretary
08 Legal Practitioner and Solicitors
09 Government Contractors
10 Insurance Agency
11 Films, TV and such other entertainment
12 Information Technology
13 Builders and Developers
14 Members of Stock Exchange, Share Brokers and Sub- Brokers
15 Performing Arts and Yatra
16 Operation of Ships, Hovercrafts, Air Crafts or Helicopters
17 Plying Taxis, Lorries, Trucks, Buses or other Commercial Vehicles
18 Ownership of Horses or Jockeys
19 Cinema Halls and other Theaters
20 Others
2.17 Name and Address of Representative Assessee: Section 160 of IT Act, 1956 provides that a
non-resident, a minor, etc can be represented through a Representative Assessee. The details of the
Representative Assessee are to be mentioned in point no 14 of the Forms 49A, whereas in the points
from 1 to 13 will contain the details of person on whose behalf this application is submitted.
2.18 Proof of Identity - Following document should be submitted along with form as proof of
OOffice ID Card
OVoter ID Card
ORation Card
OSchool Leaving Certificate
OMatriculation / Degree Certificate
ODepository Account
OCredit Card
OBank Account
OWater Bill
OProperty Tax Assessment Order
OCertificate of Identity signed by Member of Parliament or Member of
Legislative Assembly or Municipal Councilor or Gazetted Officer
2.19 Proof of Address - Following document should be submitted along with form as proof of
OVoter ID Card
OOffice ID Card
ODriving License
ORation Card
OElectricity Bill
OTelephone Bill
ODepository Account
OCredit Card
OBank Account
OEmployer Certificate
OProperty Tax Assessment Order
ORent Receipt
OCertificate signed by MP / MLA / Municipal Commissioner/Gazetted Officer
The electricity bill, water bill or bank statement / credit card statement / de-mat account statement
should be less than six month old. Other documents like Driving license, passport should be with in
their validity.
2.20 Verification of Documents - PSA should ensure that the supporting documents enclosed by the
applicants for proof of identity and address are strictly as per point no 3.2.18 & 3.2.19. PSA should
verify the correctness of documents on Point No 15 of the Form 49-A.
CSF has been designed for existing PAN holders for issue of New PAN Card with or without any
change/correction in PAN Data.
1 Services Covered -
Reprinting of PAN Card in lieu of Old/lost PAN Card.
Correction in PAN Data/Card.
Change in PAN Data/Card.
2 Mandatory Fields - As per form and explained in Point 4.1, applicant requesting
correction/changes in PAN Data should tick the respective red box.
3 Mandatory Documents - Following Mandatory documents to be submitted along with the change
request form.
3.1 Proof of PAN –
3.1.1 PAN Card/copy of PAN Card. Original PAN Card to be returned after verification.
3.1.2 Copy of a letter from Income Tax Department issuing the PAN.
3.1.3 If any proof of issuance of PAN is not available, the application may be accepted on “Good
Effort Basis”. In case, there are differences between the Core Data (Name of applicant, father name,
Date of birth/incorporation) provided in the application with the ITD database the application may
not be processed and the processing fee will be forfeited. While receiving an application on “Good
Effort Basis” the acknowledgement and the application shall be stamped distinctively to indicate that
it is a “Good Effort Case” to all levels examining the case. Collection centre should ensure that the
PAN matches with the proof of PAN.
3.2 Proof of Identity - As per Point 2.18
3.3 Proof of Address - As per Point .2.19
4 Reprinting of PAN Card in lieu of Old/lost PAN Card. - Applicant requesting for reprinting of
PAN Card in lieu of Old/Lost Card should tick the Reprint option and mention the core details
(Name, Father Name, Date of Birth) as given in ITD database. In such cases if there is marginal
difference in core details (minor spelling difference, change in order of first and last name) the card
will be printed with the core details as in ITD database. In case of major difference in details a letter
indicating the difference will be dispatched to applicant seeking clarification.
5 Correction in PAN Data/Card - Applicant requesting for correction in PAN Data/Card should
select as correction on header of the form and tick the respective red box and should enclose the
document showing the correct details.
6 Change in PAN Data/Card - Applicant requesting for the change in PAN Data/Card should tick
the respective red box and provide the documents showing the correct details. Like -In case of
significant change in applicant’s name or in father’s name (for individuals) such proof should
contain proof of name change from the old to new or necessary documents to support this change
from old to new, in addition to the proof of identity.
6.1 For married ladies, marriage certificate, marriage invitation card, publication of ‘name-change’
in gazette, copy of passport-showing husband’s name (or vice versa).
6.2 For other category of individual applicants, publication of ‘name- change in gazette.
6.3 For companies ROC certificate giving name change.
6.4 For other categories which are registered organizations, the revised registration/ deed/ agreement
6.5 For Partnership firms, revised partnership deeds
6.6 A certificate from a gazetted officer.
In case, PSC receives any application having incomplete information/improper documents, it
will be returned to the collecting PSC for further compliance.
Do’s And Don’ts
Read the Instructions before filling
the Form
Do not staple the photograph.
Affix clear and prescribed size (3.5
cm X 2.5cm) photograph only.
Do not use light background
Fill up the form with black ink ball
Do not use de-sized photographs.
Signature should fit in to the
signature box.
Do not use whiteners in the form.
Correction or overwriting should be
counter signed by the Applicant
Do not put initials in “Full Name”
Do Mention the Cell phone no. and
email id of the Applicant
The application having incomplete
information should not be
Deposit Voucher should be attached
along with the Application form 7
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Forms to used -
Form 49-A: Meant only for the fresh Cases.
CSF: Meant for the cases having PAN. (PAN other than 10 digits are invalid PAN, such applicant
should apply for new PAN on form 49-A)
2. Correction/Change of Status/Category - Correction/Change of category/status is not allowed.
Form 49-A should be submitted for allotment of new PAN in correct category without mentioning
the PAN.
3. Change in Name of company/firm - In case of change in name of company/firm the date of
incorporation should remain same as of initial incorporation.
4. Change of Jurisdiction/Ward (AO Code) - For change of Jurisdiction/Ward (AO Code)
applicant should contact his/her assessing officer only. Muthoot Securities Ltd is not authorized for
the same.
5. Objection letter - On receipt of our objection letter, the applicant should provide the
information/details as asked. In case of Change request (Grievance) the documents stating the details
should be submitted. In absence of the required documents the case cannot be processed.
6. Correction in the card issued by UTITSL - The PAN cards issued by UTITSL where the
applicant is claiming the error as data entry error should be accepted for correction along with a
letter stating the desired correction and the documents for the correct/desired details without
charging any processing fee. The correction will be processed subject to the verification with
original application, if it is applicant’s error the card will be returned to the applicant along with the
copy of application.
7. Forms printed by other than UTITSL - The photocopy/market printed/downloaded forms of
similar format should be accepted without extra cost to the applicants.
8. Status of PAN Application - For query regarding PAN application please visit site -
(a) (b)
Write to us:
PAN Service Centre
Muthoot Securities Ltd
Alpha Plaza, K.P Vallon Road,
Kadavanthara, Kochi – 682020.
Contact @ Ph: 0484-3937555

1 comment:

  1. I have applied for duplicate PAN card online at emudhra. Now easy to apply online for duplicate PAN card. If you want to apply online visit Website for more details.
