Saturday, 16 April 2011

How to find my PAN Number?

Find your PAN here & apply:
If you’ve lost your old Pan Number then you will most definitely have to apply for a duplicate Pan Card number. That is of course,until and unless you are some sort of genius who has managed to memorize the highly complicated eleven digit number which consists both of alphabets and numerical.
Moreover, the process cannot be avoided because whether you are an NRI or an Indian citizen you need a PAN number as it is an important means of identification. People use it as a photo identity in just about every situation such as the Railways, LIC, exams, for opening bank accounts etc. What is more, it also doubles as an age proof certificate, so you can use this instead of a birth certificate.
What is a pan?
So what really is this PAN card and why is it so important? A PAN card is issued by the Government of India – the Income Tax Department of India to be precise. It is pretty similar to the Social Security Number which is issued to citizens of the United States by the IRS.
The card contains a number which is the PAN number and this number is embossed on the card. It also contains other details like nameof the card holder, father’s name, passport sized photograph, signature and date of birth as well.
This card is important because anyone wishing to conduct any form of transaction which involves sums greater than or equal to fiftythousand Indian Rupees needs to furnish this card. If you would like topurchase property, invest in mutual funds, stocks, shares, bonds etc. you need toshow this card.
Basically, the concept of a PAN number was started by the Indian government to find out who was or wasn’t paying their taxes and whether anyone was evading taxes. It was also done to find out the amount of tax generated in the country. But basically it was done to see who was performing nefarious activities.
How to retrieve a pan number?
As can be deduced from this information, having a PAN number is extremely important. So, if, for any reason, you have misplaced your Pan card, you should apply for a duplicate one without any delay. It is advisable to contact a broker firm for help because the process of getting a PAN card is slightly complicated. What ismore, keeping track of all the proof you have furnished to get the PAN card number is also quite a task, therefore getting help from a broker is really useful.
Of course, you have the option of not getting a new PANcard number, but this would mean you are handicapped – conducting any monetary transactions of a significant nature is impossible without it. If you can remember your Pan Card number, there is still some hope, but if you are in asituation where you can’t do that, then this spells trouble.
It also makes sense to get a new PAN card because theprocess has been brought online. Of course if you are more comfortable with the offline process, you are welcome to do it that way as well. The Income Tax authorities have modified the procedure to make it a bit simpler and brokers who know their way about this process can easily help you out.
The broker will have crucial links which can help you trace your missing PAN number as quickly as is possible. All you have to do islocate the details online and take the necessary printouts. From thereon, the application process becomes quite simple. You could also choose to go to the government directly, but that is quite a hassle. So for best results, do approach a broker.

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