Sunday, 14 August 2011

How to apply for Duplicate PAN card incase of Lost PAN number?

First, you need to complete a correction form. A correction form can be found and downloaded from Incase you need to locate your nearest center form, you can from
Secondly, you need to complete the lost PAN card information on the form. If you don’t have the number, you can get it off the lost card form ‘‘. You will need to write your name, date of birth, and the name of your father to get your lost card number.
Lastly, you need to have two stamp-sized photographs and Rs 717 (cash or a check), incase you are an NRI – non resident Indian. When you are finished, submit your form to the offices of The addresses where you can send it are located on the website or you can simply email them and talk to one of their friendly advisers. You will receive your card within 10-15 working days at your foreign address.


  1. I have applied for duplicate PAN card online at emudhra. Now easy to apply online for duplicate PAN card. If you want to apply online for duplicate PAN card visit Website for more details.

  2. Information shared here was very helpful to understand. Thanks for sharing the post.
    Duplicate Pan Application Form

  3. Anything can be possible. You can at least ensure that you don’t commit any negligence. Do not handover copy of PAN to any one for no reason. Whenever you are submitting PAN for any purpose, writing down the purpose (just online) touching to the edges of PAN or little across of it and keep no much space between image of PAN and signature or the note you mention about the purpose.
    know your pan jurisdiction by pan card no
