Thursday, 17 November 2011

Loss Of PAN Card

I was quite upset to see that I lost my PAN Card. One of the most precious thing to a responsible citizen. More over as per new schemes fo banks w.e.f January 1st you won’t be able to buy any Tax Savers without it. It was high time for me. Do not panic So here we go with easy steps to recover your PAN Number…
Method to know you PAN Number
To get immediately your PAN number which you have forgot or mis located visit the following link and submit your credentials, if you submit then correctly you’ll get your PAN Number.
Method to get a new PAN Card
  1. Make a affidavit on Rs.5.00// stamp paper from the court
  2. Lodge a FIR to your local Police Station (Submit a signed application to SHO along with affidavit)
  3. Contact a Financial Adviser/CA/Income Tax Service Provider
  4. Fill the form of PAN renewal and enclose copy of FIR, DOB, Residence Proof Proof, and one recent photograph
  5. You will receive a new PAN with in a period of 15 days.

1 comment:

  1. Its important to give right information while applying for the new cards like pan card aadhar card because these documents are very important and get detail of duplicate PAN card to apply for it.
