Friday, 16 December 2011

How to Apply for a PAN card ONLINE

A Permanent Account Number or PAN number is a must for everyone and anyone who files income tax returns. It has been made mandatory since 2005 by the Income Tax Department to quote the PAN number on return of income tax or any correspondence with any income tax authority in India. The PAN number is also required to be quoted in various financial transactions such as while securing loans, selling or buying property, opening a bank account, etc. Even if you want to travel abroad or to deposit more than Rs.50,000 in a bank or post, this is required. So possessing a PAN card is a must these days and getting one is very easy. You can simply apply for one from the comfort of your living room, and here is how.    

Obtaining a PAN card is very simple and can be done in two ways. One way is to directly fill it online and then print, while the other way is to download the Application Form No.49A in the PDF format and fill it up with black ink. We will take a look at the easier and faster way, which is to fill the form online and apply.

To fill the form online, open, and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Here, select the category of applicant which best suits you and click Select button. This will take you to the online form 49A.

After entering your required details, you must select what proof of identity and proof of address you will enclose along with the form's print. The proof of identity can be a copy of passport or a copy of PIO card issued by the Indian Government. Address proof can be a copy of passport, bank account statement, etc Next, you have to choose the payment details from amongst Demand Draft, Cheque or Credit/Debit Card and fill in the required details for the same. If you are based in India, the fee for processing PAN application is Rs.94, which is Rs. 85 plus 10.3% service tax. If you are located outside India, then the fee for processing PAN application is Rs. 744, which is application fee of Rs.85 plus dispatch charges of Rs. 590 plus 10.3% service tax. Demand draft and cheque must be drawn in favor of "NSDL - PAN". When using a demand draft, it has to be made payable at Mumbai.After filling the entire form, click Submit. A confirmation screen with all the data you filled will appear for you to confirm the same. After you confirm, an acknowledgment containing a unique 15-digit acknowledgment number will be displayed. Save and print this acknowledgment.Now you must affix (stapled or clipped) a recent color photograph of size 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm in the space provided in the acknowledgment printout. Make sure that it is a good quality photograph as the quality of photograph appearing on the PAN card will depend on it.Sign or use left thumb impression within the box provided in the acknowledgment. If the applicant category is anything other than "Individuals", the signature of the authorized signatory is required along with the appropriate seal or stamp. Please note that you are NOT to sign across the photograph. The application will be deemed invalid if the photograph has any mark that hinders clear visibility of the applicant's face. In case of a thumb impression, you are required to get it attested by a magistrate or notary public or a gazette officer under official seal and stamp.The acknowledgment, along with the demand draft/cheque (if any), proof of identity and proof of address as specified by you in the form, should be sent to Income Tax PAN Services Unit, National Securities Depository Limited, 3rd floor, Sapphire Chambers, Near Baner Telephone Exchange, Baner, Pune - 411045. The application and documents can also be submitted at your nearest IT PAN Service Center or TIN Facilitation Center.You can find the nearest IT PAN Service Centre by clicking here and the TIN Facilitation Center by clicking here. Make sure that the envelope is superscribed with the words "APPLICATION FOR PAN - Acknowledgment Number", eg: APPLICATION FOR PAN - 881010100000097. You must send the application, demand draft and documents so that it will reach NSDL within 15 days of applying online.In case of any difficulty, you can call TIN Call Centre at 020-27218080 or fax them at 020-27218081. You can also email them at or SMS NSDLPAN Acknowledgment No. & send to 57575 to obtain application status. You can even write to INCOME TAX PAN SERVICES UNIT (Managed by National Securities Depository Limited), 3rd floor, Sapphire Chambers, Near Baner Telephone Exchange, Baner, Pune - 411045.

1 comment:

  1. Apply online for a PAN card at eMudhra, very simple and easy process. They provide online new PAN card, changes or correction in PAN details, duplicate PAN card. For more details visit at website.
